About Me


A Little Background

My name is Ian. Born in Bulawayo, Rhodesia (Zimbabwe). Lived in Zambia till 1980 then moved to South Africa

Did primary schooling in Rhodesia, secondary schooling and went off to College in Scotland did two degrees.

Being in IT not many opportunities existed in Zambia so moved to South Africa. The start of my career was very bumpy, went through a few jobs before settling down in the bank industry. After 10 year moved into the telecommunication industries for the last 30 years. Over the last period did most of my work as a contractor/consultant. Traveling through Africa and the middle east

Over the last three years I found myself without a contract, struggling to make ends meet and in the wrong country to continue with my career. Put myself into huge debt, borrowed from family and find myself on closed to losing everything.

I did not invest wisely during my career and found myself with very little pension. I looked around for things I could do, started Forex trading and found myself been scammed, lost more money. Started to do training Forex on the web, opened a small account which I am growing slowly. This just was not enough to survive on, I then stumbled upon Digitial Marketing, the training was to expensive, then found affiliated marketing.

Finding three affiliated courses, the first was to expensive, so with what little I had I started with the other two. At the same time I managed to obtain a consulting contract. Needles to say with a lot of procrastination, the pandemic (Corna Virus) I put the affiliated training on hold.

Now the consulting contact in nearly finished, I have gone back to the training, I find it easy to understand and a no brainier and find myself saying why did I not start sooner.


It is simple, I would like to help all those people who find themselves in a similar position I am in. Not enough money to make ends meet and every month-end a struggle.

There are also those who have had enough of the J.O.B – I would like to help them to start a side line business

Giving them all help and hope not everything is lost, with a little belief they too can turn things around and start earning a passive income. Sure it is not a get-rich-quick schema, however with the proper foundation in place, I believe anyone with the passion to change their circumstances will become successful


To give those in the same position or just sick and tired of the J.O.B a choice for them to change their circumstance

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

All the best,

Ian McGinn


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